Chicken with Sauerkraut

by Unknown | on Sunday, December 22, 2013 | | | |

O Sauerkraut, Sauerkraut.
Wherefore art thou Sauerkraut?
When I was a child I hated you passionately. 
As much as a child can hate something. 
You were my arch enemy. 
Wherever you were, I never wanted to be. 
The smell of you - a torture. 
The taste of you - an agony.
You are a true evidence, that people do change.
The grown me loves you passionately.
Mostly during winter.
You are one of my best friends.
Wherever you are, I want to be.
The smell of you - still not so great.
The taste of you - H E A V E N.
Sometimes I'm thinking to wrap myself with you.

Call me Shakespeare. Or crazy Shakespeare. I ate so many things with sauerkraut lately and these are the side effects. Among others (like flawless digestion). I just had to make a poem about sauerkraut. I was thinking of maybe making only a haiku, but please. Sauerkraut deserves more than that. So it's a poem.

I'm not quite sure when my obsession with sauerkraut started. Some people are addicted to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, coffee, sweets, sports, shopping...BORING! My latest addiction is sauerkraut. Sometimes I sit in the office and just dream of sauerkraut dishes. Sweet, sweet, sauer day dreams. And honestly sometimes I google sauerkraut dishes. Weird things come up. Sauerkraut with seafood is one thing I can not imagine tastes good. But maybe one day I'll try it. After all wise Justin Bieber said "Never say never". I just googled Justin Bieber. I didn't want to write his name wrong and totally embarrass myself. I mean knowing what Justin Bieber said is not embarrassing.

When I was a child everybody used to make sauerkraut themselves. Not sure how my parents and grand parents did it exactly, but I think: you take cabbage, salt and water put everything in a container, close the lid, wait for about 3 weeks or more staring the container, not letting it get out of your sight and do a little ritual dance around it with some singing. And BAM! the sauerkraut party can begin.

For my dishes I bought sauerkraut. But I did the ritual dance anyway.

So to make it short: for this dish you'll need:


500g/1lb sauerkraut
500g/1 lb chicken breast (diced)
1 cup dry bulgur
2 tbsp chilli powder
4 tbsp paprika
olive oil/sunflower oil


Put chicken breast in a large deep pan and steam at medium-high until cooked. Add all of the other ingredients and about 1 cup of water. Stir everything well and cover the pan. Maybe you will need to add more water, so don't get too carried away with other things. Cook, and stir from time to time until chicken and bulgur are ready - should take about 10 min. Make sure you put enough oil, because if it's too dry this dish does not taste this good. I think about 4 tbsp should be enough. When ready - take from the heat, move in a backing tray and bake in the oven for 5-10 min at medium high temperature. Then serve with bread or without. This will make so many portions, normally I eat it 3 days in a row. Happy three days.


I still can not believe I brought Shakespeare, Justin Bieber and the phrase "flawless digestion" together in this post.

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