Spinach, chickpea and bulgur salad

by Unknown | on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 | | | | | | |
Whyyyyyyy???? Why is it soooo hot? I can not concentrate on anything, besides trying not to sweat, and I'm telling you, that's not working out very good for me either.

 I hope you're as excited as me about me going to the beach in 2 days. Yaaay!!! Are you? You don't have to answer that, just keep on nodding. I think I will not come out of the water for hours. Pretty much like in my childhood, when I would spend all of my beach time in the water and would come out only after my lips are purple-blue. Aaaaahhh best memories ever!

But before I go, I'm still trying to lose some belly, so I can look like a slimmer whale on the beach, and not like the fattest one. And now I'm eating mostly alkaline - mostly salads, wraps and watermelons (love love love love love watermelons). I have to admit everything is really delicious and I feel a whole lot better than during the times when I was eating mostly pizza, burgers and sweets. OK, those times were less than 2 weeks ago, but hey 2 weeks is something right?

I make this salad and it's variations really often, and mostly it's my lunch at the office. I don't feel sleepy afterwards, so I can still work, so that's probably good for some reason.


2 cups spinach
1 cup chickpea (canned)
1/2 cup cooked bulgur (1 cup uncooked bulgur makes about 3 cups cooked - you can store it cooked in the fridge for at least 5 days)
1 small tomato
1 small cucumber
1/3 cup chopped parsley
handful of arugula
olive oil


As for all the salads preparation is really easy - one of the many good things about salads. You just wash and afterwards chop all the vegetables and herbs (spinach roughly). Place vegetables, herbs,  chickpea and bulgur in a bowl, add some olive oil and salt to taste and you're ready to serve, even better to eat. Does not take more than 20 minutes and afterwards you don't have to take a nap.

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