Salmon and Crème Fraîche Pasta

by Unknown | on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 | | | | |

I decided not to start with an ultra healthy recipe for now. Let's just take it slow and delicious. Step by step, we'll still have time to drink red beet juice, but life is too short to not try out this recipe right now.

I was drooling during the entire photo shoot, maybe you can see some of that on the picture. It was still delicious.

To make this not-so-weight-loss pasta (4 servings) you'll need:

2 salmon fillets
2 tomatoes
1 tbsp dry basil
3 tbsp crème fraîce
1 garlic clove
2 medium green onions
1/2 cup chopped parsley
salt to taste
200 g/7 oz fusilli pasta (I used mixed tomato and spinach pasta)


1. Cook the pasta according to the directions on the package. In the meantime chop salmon and steam in a non-stick pan (cover pan with a lid)
2. Chop tomatoes and add them to the salmon. Stir and cook for 2-3 min (again covered with the lid)
3. Add basil, crème fraîce, chopped garlic, chopped green onions, salt
4. Drain pasta, add to other ingredients and stir. Remove from the heat.
5. Add parsley and it's all ready

To make it even better serve with a handful of rocket.

I don't know how many calories one serving has, but I don't even care. Sometimes you just gotta eat what you want to eat. I recommend keeping it up to one serving though. You can have one for lunch and dinner. And if you're anything like me, sometimes even for breakfast.

Wish you a very nice day!

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