Avocado, chicken, spearmint salad

by Unknown | on Sunday, July 21, 2013 | | | | | |
So during the weekend I bought a grilled chicken and guess what? I'm still eating it. Show me the leftovers!!!

There's no way in the world I would buy or prepare chicken just to make a salad with it. Too much work for a salad, and in these hot days I'm pretty allergic to work. Symptoms: many watery drops covering my body. Mainly armpits. Maybe that's sweat. How would I know, I haven't done a proper exercise for ages.

Wait! I'm lying, last week I did something, I haven't done for the longest time - I finished an entire 1 hour workout. Pretty intense at that. Three times last week. Maybe because I'm too scared that next week on the beach someone's gonna call Greenpeace to put me back in the water, where all the whales belong. Not on the moon, like one episode from South Park tought us. Wise men, those South Park creators!
This picture? Still salad - not a whale

The point is - I had grilled chicken leftovers and I made a salad out of those. And I used the avocado, I had in my kitchen for a week. And most importantly: SPEARMINT! Did not expect it, but this herb is just increadible in salads - so fresh and flavourful at the same time! Love it!

The result - Mmmhhhh, Alkaline Mmmhhhh!


1 cup chopped chicken - white meat, grilled if you have, for a vegetarian version you can also use chickpeas
10 spearmint leaves
1 bunch of parsley
1 avocado (peeled and pitted)
1 cucumber
1 small green pepper
olive oil
juice of 1/3 lemon


Like always with salads - eaaasyy. Chop all the vegetables and herbs, put them together with the chicken in a big salad bowl, add some olive oil (1-2 tbsp), salt, and the juice of 1/3 lemon and mix.

1 comment:

  1. You have a name of a Star. Therefore the alien will be afraid of you, I hope. This salad looks exactly made for me. Can you call it a monkey salad?
