Where were I?

by Unknown | on Thursday, September 26, 2013 | |

 I've been back from my trip in Bulgaria since about what feels like 6 months, but is in fact just 6 weeks.

 Sorry I haven't been too active here, but you have to understand - I came back from this
 to this
Hello depression!

Seriously, I don't care how stupid, old and cliche it sounds - without sun, I feel like I'm dead inside. I'm neither a vampire, nor am I as stupid as Bella to want to become one...uuum oops! I mean I don't even know who this Bella girl is. What is she, like a vampire or something? I've never seen whatever saga she's in. Seriously, I haven't!

The point is - I'm human and I need sun and light to photosynthesize. Wait what? This last one may not be true - only fish photosynthesize. Duh!

And since I'm in the dark 24/7 I've noticed I do some pretty destructive things - like staying always in front of the computer, eating whatever I find, not doing any sports, not being able to concentrate on my work, not even writing here...a total winter depression.

I would've posted some more pictures from my vacation in Bulgaria, where I felt alive with every fiber of my being, mainly to cheer myself up, but unfortunately they were all on my sister's computer, which all of a sudden experienced the seven beeps of death (must be some patent of dell, it's very famous) and couldn't recover. So Summer 2013, I don't have you in pictures.

We did find one very nice beach though - with crystal clear water and no sharks. You couldn't get me out of that water for hours even with a tsunami. But it's all over. Now I'm back to crappy reality, which doesn't seem real at all.

In the 6 weeks I've been here I also did one week of a food picture diary, that will make you very sick when you see it. So yay! You have something to be looking forward for tomorrow.

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